- "The Turkish Current Account Deficit" (with Ayşe İmrohoroğlu and Ayşe Kabukçuoğlu), Economic Inquiry, 2019, Vol 57(1), pp. 515-536.
- "Cross Sectional Facts on Bank Balance Sheets over the Business Cycle" (with Şerife Genç and Yasin Mimir), Central Bank Review, 2015, Vol 15(2), pp. 31-60. (For the CBRT Working Paper version, click here.)
- "Concentration, competition, efficiency and profitability of the Turkish banking sector in the post-crisis period" (with Ahmet Faruk Aysan and Ali Güneş), Banks and Bank Systems, 2007/3, pp. 106-115
Working Papers:
- Life Cycle Analysis with an Increasing Wage Profile
- The Collateral Framework as an Unconventional Monetary Policy Tool. (with Birol Kanık and Yasin Mimir)
Work in Progress:
- Hours worked over the life cycle: What explains the decline before retirement?
- Determinants of credit growth in Turkey: Does size matter? (with Şerife Genç and Yasin Mimir)